5 Volunteer Statements for Your Ministry
Volunteers, Leadership David Reneau Volunteers, Leadership David Reneau

5 Volunteer Statements for Your Ministry

No matter what job you do there are certain phrases and words that are specific to your culture. Most of these words and phrases develop naturally over time as a result of events, ministries, or your denomination. For example, I’m in the Assemblies of God. Here are just a few of the acronyms that any minister in the AG (see what I did there) will know.

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5 Steps to Managing Your Time this Summer
Leadership David Reneau Leadership David Reneau

5 Steps to Managing Your Time this Summer

It’s summertime and for many in NextGen ministries this is not a time to kick back and relax, but the busiest time of the year. You have more and bigger events over the three summer months than you have for the rest of the year. Add to that you have vacations, volunteer turnover, absences, and overall lower attendance, it can be exhausting and overwhelming.

So, what do you do? How do you juggle all the things and still grow the ministry or at least survive the summer?

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The Paradox of Every Service Matters
Leadership David Reneau Leadership David Reneau

The Paradox of Every Service Matters

Right in the middle of my worship set, my entire computer system crashed. I use video worship and teaching so having this crash was worst case scenario. I didn’t have a backup plan, and I was the only one who could fix it.

Looking back now, I’m not entirely sure what we did to get through it, but we did. The Gospel was proclaimed, and we built relationships with the families that came.

But that was just one service. I could fill this post with story after story of successes and failures on big days and small days, and I’m sure you could too.

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5 Steps to a Successful Parent Meeting
Kidmin, Leadership David Reneau Kidmin, Leadership David Reneau

5 Steps to a Successful Parent Meeting

It was the summer of 2014, and I’m trying to get as many kids as possible to go to camp. I advertised, secured scholarships, made phone calls and much more, but I’d hit a ceiling. Many kids couldn’t go because their parents had already scheduled something that week or they had already committed to attending one of other paid events throughout the summer and couldn’t afford it.

Sound familiar?

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What I Read in 2022
Leadership, Reading List David Reneau Leadership, Reading List David Reneau

What I Read in 2022

Every year I set a goal to read a certain number of books. I’ve gone all the way to 36 but have settled between 20 to 24. This year, instead of focusing on quantity, I focused on subjects that interested me and read a few pages every day. Somehow, I still got 20 books in.

For this post, I broke the books into categories.

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 Ministry is a Marathon
NextGen, Leadership David Reneau NextGen, Leadership David Reneau

Ministry is a Marathon

It’s so exciting when you first start in ministry. There’s so much passion and energy, and you just can’t wait to get in with the kids or youth and change lives.

But if you’ve been in ministry for more than a year, you have to know that not everything moves as fast as you thought they would.

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A Discipline Plan That Works
Kidmin, Service Planning, Leadership David Reneau Kidmin, Service Planning, Leadership David Reneau

A Discipline Plan That Works

When I first became a children’s pastor on my first Sunday, I sat and observed how the volunteers were managing their service. These were college students with little to no training, just a heart for kids and doing the best they could.

Their stories and games were good. Their energy was excellent during worship, but they had one glaring problem.


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What I Read in 2020
Leadership, Reading List David Reneau Leadership, Reading List David Reneau

What I Read in 2020

This year has been crazy to say the least. As much as I love to read leadership and ministry books, I read less this year because of all the stress. I needed an escape. Since I’m a huge Star Wars fan, and we’re in the golden age of Star Wars there are a lot of great books continuing the story.

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Building Your Ministry for When You're Gone (Workshop Notes)

Building Your Ministry for When You're Gone (Workshop Notes)

One thing I was taught early in my ministry career is that you are always replaceable. You are not going to be where you are forever. Most likely there was someone before and there will be someone after you. You are just the steward of the ministry and it is up to you as to what condition it’s going to be in when you leave.

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3 Principles of a Great Volunteer Meeting
Volunteers, Leadership, Kidmin, NextGen David Reneau Volunteers, Leadership, Kidmin, NextGen David Reneau

3 Principles of a Great Volunteer Meeting

You can’t be in ministry for long without having to host a volunteer meeting. A lot of time these meetings can drag on without any clear focus and not get anything done. When you first start in ministry, people show up because they want to hear what you have to say, but if you’re meeting is boring you may have a hard time getting them to come back.

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Starting Well

Starting Well

A few months ago, I wrote a post about leaving well. The inevitable happens when you leave something. You start something new.

But leaving something and starting something are two different things. They both have their hurts and their joys, but you have to approach them differently. Now that I’ve been in the new ministry for almost a year, I can look back at that first month or two and realize what helped and what didn’t.

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