An Egg Hunt Devotional: The ABC's of Salvation
Events, Kidmin David Reneau Events, Kidmin David Reneau

An Egg Hunt Devotional: The ABC's of Salvation

You’ve planned your Egg Hunt, you have the whole schedule put together.  You know people are coming and you want to tell them about Jesus.  But you only have a limited space to tell them because of time constraints and attention span.

So how do you present the Gospel in a compelling way in just a few minutes?

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Your Complete Egg Hunt Service Schedule
Events, Kidmin David Reneau Events, Kidmin David Reneau

Your Complete Egg Hunt Service Schedule

Egg Hunts can be so much more than just grab some eggs and go home.  In fact, if that is all your event is, you’re missing out on a great opportunity to reach your community. I’ve run egg hunts for years. In They became family traditions for the whole neighborhood.

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The Essential Kidmin Events Calendar
Events, Holidays, Kidmin David Reneau Events, Holidays, Kidmin David Reneau

The Essential Kidmin Events Calendar

Whether you’re just starting out in kidmin, or you’ve been in it for a while, you know there are events and a lot of them.  But which ones should you be doing? Is there something you’re missing? What can you do that’s fun and impactful for your ministry?

Every church is unique and has its own set of events that works well for their community.  That said, there are patterns we can follow. 

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5 Guidelines for Trunk or Treat Volunteers
Events, Volunteers David Reneau Events, Volunteers David Reneau

5 Guidelines for Trunk or Treat Volunteers

Trunk or Treats are one of the most popular Fall outreaches.  They’re quick, easy to set up, and easy to clean up.   They can be a ton of fun or total drag.  The deciding factor for the success of your event is the trunks.  Your trunks are the main attraction.  You can and should include inflatables, hayrides, food trucks and more. But that’s not what’s going to keep your neighborhood coming back year after year.

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3 Tips for Creating Your VBS Budget
VBS, Events, Kidmin David Reneau VBS, Events, Kidmin David Reneau

3 Tips for Creating Your VBS Budget

I often see questions from people asking their VBS budget.  How many kids? How big is your church? How much do you spend?  Those are all great questions because your budget will depend on those three things, the size of your church, the size of your event, and how important it is to the church’s outreach strategy. 

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3 Holiday Practices to Keep Jesus First
Holidays, Events David Reneau Holidays, Events David Reneau

3 Holiday Practices to Keep Jesus First

A few years ago, I hosted the biggest Easter Egg Hunt my church had seen to date.  We had hundreds of kids and thousands of eggs.  We saw many kids accept Christ and everyone had fun.  It was all a big lead up to the next day, Easter.  As I drove home thinking about the wins and losses, it hit me like a kid remembering his semester long project is due tomorrow and he’s done nothing.  Easter is tomorrow.

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How to Turn Service Fails to Success
Events, Leadership David Reneau Events, Leadership David Reneau

How to Turn Service Fails to Success

The big weekend is finally here.  You’ve been working for months getting all the people, supplies, and logistics together.  You’ve invited tons of people, prayed for God’s favor, crossed that t and dotted that i.  You’re ready for the big day. Or you think you are. Sometime during the event something goes wrong.  Something always does.

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4 Principles to Get Guests to Come Back
Events, Marketing David Reneau Events, Marketing David Reneau

4 Principles to Get Guests to Come Back

You’ve had the big outreach event and now you have a huge stack of cards with contact information and you’re not sure what to do with it. Should you email them? Send a postcard? Call? Which way will be most effective? What’s going to give you the best return on your investment?

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3 Groups who Attend Your VBS (and Which One to Focus On)
VBS, Kidmin, Events David Reneau VBS, Kidmin, Events David Reneau

3 Groups who Attend Your VBS (and Which One to Focus On)

It’s VBS season and for many churches, the event is seen as an outreach. We want to get as many kids as possible through the door, show them the way to Jesus, and then hopefully get them to come back on Sunday.

But when you put on outreach events, it’s important to realize that not everyone is seeking Jesus, not everyone is new, and not everyone is a prospect for coming to your church. This isn’t a reason not to do the event, but we need to be aware.

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5 Ideas to Celebrate Dad on Father's Day
Ideas, Events, Holidays, Service Planning David Reneau Ideas, Events, Holidays, Service Planning David Reneau

5 Ideas to Celebrate Dad on Father's Day

Father’s Day is next week, and your church may be thinking of some ways to celebrate dad. In a lot of churches, this day is overlooked. Especially since so much time and resources were spent on Easter and Mother’s Day, this day gets the scraps. However, Father’s Day can be made just as special as these other two days with some intentionality and creativity.

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A Simple VBS Fundraiser
VBS, Kidmin, Events David Reneau VBS, Kidmin, Events David Reneau

A Simple VBS Fundraiser

One thing about VBS is that it takes a lot of supplies. Crafts, games, decorations, Bible stories and so much more all need stuff. It’s a lot to handle and can be one of the biggest line items in your budget.

To keep my costs down, I’ve used this one fundraiser for years with great success.

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5 Questions to Create Your VBS Schedule
VBS, Kidmin, Events David Reneau VBS, Kidmin, Events David Reneau

5 Questions to Create Your VBS Schedule

VBS is one of the most complex ministry outreaches in children’s ministries. It takes 3-6 months to put on a one-week event for tons of kids and a major part of the kidmin annual rhythm.

One of the more complex yet essential parts of VBS is the schedule. It answers the question, “How are you going to get multiple groups of kids to multiple rooms throughout your campus all at the same time, not lose anyone, make time for bathroom breaks, and still get all the content covered?”

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