An Egg Hunt Devotional: The ABC's of Salvation
Events, Kidmin David Reneau Events, Kidmin David Reneau

An Egg Hunt Devotional: The ABC's of Salvation

You’ve planned your Egg Hunt, you have the whole schedule put together.  You know people are coming and you want to tell them about Jesus.  But you only have a limited space to tell them because of time constraints and attention span.

So how do you present the Gospel in a compelling way in just a few minutes?

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Your Complete Egg Hunt Service Schedule
Events, Kidmin David Reneau Events, Kidmin David Reneau

Your Complete Egg Hunt Service Schedule

Egg Hunts can be so much more than just grab some eggs and go home.  In fact, if that is all your event is, you’re missing out on a great opportunity to reach your community. I’ve run egg hunts for years. In They became family traditions for the whole neighborhood.

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4 Ways to Celebrate Kidmin Birthdays
Kidmin David Reneau Kidmin David Reneau

4 Ways to Celebrate Kidmin Birthdays

I have a confession to make. I’m horrible at celebrating birthdays. Both personally and in the ministry. I don’t have excuses; it is what it is.  But for kids, their birthday is one of the most important days of the year.  Next to Christmas, there isn’t a day they look forward toward more. 

Because the day is so special I had to make a change.

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The Essential Kidmin Events Calendar
Events, Holidays, Kidmin David Reneau Events, Holidays, Kidmin David Reneau

The Essential Kidmin Events Calendar

Whether you’re just starting out in kidmin, or you’ve been in it for a while, you know there are events and a lot of them.  But which ones should you be doing? Is there something you’re missing? What can you do that’s fun and impactful for your ministry?

Every church is unique and has its own set of events that works well for their community.  That said, there are patterns we can follow. 

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4 Ways to Equip Your Kidmin Volunteers (Before Sunday)
Volunteers, Service Planning, Kidmin David Reneau Volunteers, Service Planning, Kidmin David Reneau

4 Ways to Equip Your Kidmin Volunteers (Before Sunday)

Picture this.  You’ve been working hard to get ready for Sunday morning.  You laid out the crafts. You loaded the slides. You queued up the songs.  You’re excited for what lies ahead and the change that’s going to happen in kids’ lives.  But then you realize that you’re not alone.  In fact, your volunteers are leading worship, games, and small groups.  You can’t be in two places at once and do it yourself. So how are you supposed to equip your volunteers so they can be prepared before Sunday?

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3 Kinds of Kidmin Volunteers (and How to Keep Them)
Volunteers, Kidmin David Reneau Volunteers, Kidmin David Reneau

3 Kinds of Kidmin Volunteers (and How to Keep Them)

My Senior Royal Ranger Commander (think Boy Scouts with Jesus) was unhappy. I was at my first church, and I’d recruited a new volunteer for the ministry. He was great for the ministry. But now his son was moving up to the next age group and my volunteer wanted to go with him. The Senior Commander couldn’t understand why this father wanted to leave. Why didn’t he just stay with the age group he was currently serving?

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3 Tips for Creating Your VBS Budget
VBS, Events, Kidmin David Reneau VBS, Events, Kidmin David Reneau

3 Tips for Creating Your VBS Budget

I often see questions from people asking their VBS budget.  How many kids? How big is your church? How much do you spend?  Those are all great questions because your budget will depend on those three things, the size of your church, the size of your event, and how important it is to the church’s outreach strategy. 

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Leader Fails: 4 Steps to Navigate the Chaos
Leadership, Kidmin David Reneau Leadership, Kidmin David Reneau

Leader Fails: 4 Steps to Navigate the Chaos

The kidmin world was rocked last week with the news from Orange. Another leader has failed, and we’re left wondering what happened and what will happen. I usually don’t say anything when this kind of news breaks, but if you’ve followed any of my content you know I’ve been a fan of Orange for years and have recommended their content over and over. I feel I need to share my thoughts.

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 5 Hacks for Streamlining Church Event Childcare
Kidmin, Leadership David Reneau Kidmin, Leadership David Reneau

5 Hacks for Streamlining Church Event Childcare

Being in kidmin, it’s natural for people to ask you to also provide childcare for events. It can be frustrating because that’s not what you signed up for. You are the kid’s pastor, spiritual leader, and discipler, not their babysitter. And yet, the requests still come, and the expectations are still made. Children’s ministry is not childcare, it’s discipleship.

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