3 Essential Tools for a Successful Year
It’s the end of the year. And as busy as we are with Christmas, it’s also important to look ahead. If you want to have a successful ministry, then you need to have a plan. You can’t wander into January and hope that things will happen. There needs to be intentionality and purpose to the things you do.

How to Follow Up with Your Missing People
As a pastor you’re a shepherd. It’s your job to take care of your flock. In my own experience (and even in my writing) I talk about reaching out to new people and caring for them. However, Jesus gave us the example by sharing the parable of the shepherd who leaves the 99 to go after the one.

Essential Strategies for A NextGen Event Budget
But as much as we like to plan and dream about all the things we’re going to do in the next year, we need one valuable commodity. Money. In today’s post, I’ll give you the tools and processes you need to plan for a specific event.

5 Best Practices for Kidmin Check-out
When talking about safety and security, this general rule applies. The safer the area the less efficient it is to enter and exit. Those bits of friction make it more difficult for bad actors to make a move.

7 Essential Details for a Seamless Ministry Transition
As you’re leaving, you need to also think about the person that’s coming behind you. Will they be able to pick up where you leave off? Will they have access to the necessary resources, websites, social media profiles and more? Will they know who their volunteers are and where they like to serve?

3 Overlooked Safety Policies for Your Kidmin
Safety is an essential element of a successful children’s ministry. When your parents entrust you with their most precious possession, they want to know their child will be safe. We know this and go through great lengths to make sure our kids are safe. But there are other safety practices that we may overlook.

5 Obstacles For Moving Your Church to Two Services
Moving to two services is a huge transition and shouldn’t be taken lightly. But your new growth with new challenges is a good thing! It means you’re reaching new people, and you need to make room for more.

3 Questions to Declutter Your Ministry Closet
There’s one ministry duty that we all have to do that no one really talks about. Everyone at the church knows about it, but no one wants to do anything about it. Then in staff meeting, the leader makes the announcement. It’s time to clean out that closet.

How to Deploy Planning Center Check-ins in Your Kidmin
I don’t work for Planning Center nor is this a sponsored post. However, I am a huge fan of the product and have implemented the program at three different churches. You may have someone at your church that knows how to use all of its modules, but many times check-ins falls on the kids pastor.

4 Steps to Scheduling Your Volunteers
When you’re the leader and the pastor, you have a push and pull. You want to make sure all your positions are filled, but you also don’t want to burn out your volunteers. What is the best way? Does everyone serve with the same frequency? What about if you have multiple services? Multiple days? Or just one? And what about fifth Sundays?

How to Set Ministry Goals that Lead to Growth
At the end of the year, one of my favorite things to do is to look back at the year that was and the year to come. What were my wins and losses? What worked? What didn’t? What curveballs did I knocked out of the park and what ones slipped by? It usually takes a few hours for me to go through it all, but my overall effectiveness as a leader and minister has increased every year since I started this practice over 10 years ago.

5 Must Have Security Policies For Kidmin
One of the three questions parents ask about your children’s ministry is “is it safe?” Now, more than ever before, parents want to know that their precious little ones will be safe in your care. Even more important, your environment needs to be one of the safest places in your church.

4 Simple Ways to Improve Kids Check-in
When guests first come to your church, they are going to make the decision of whether or not they’re going to come back in the first 15 minutes of being on your campus. Since those first few minutes are so crucial, you need to be more intentional with those first few minutes than any other.

7 Ways to Communicate Your Church Event to Your Congregation and Community (Part 2)
You’ve got big news. You’ve been working on this project for weeks and its finally time to make your big debut. You have all the supplies and resources. You’ve prayed and felt that God is with you. Now it’s time to announce to the church and your community what you’re doing and how they can get involved. But how do you do that?

7 Ways to Communicate Your Church Event to Your Congregation and Community (Part 1)
One of the most valuable tools in a minister’s toolbox is their communication skills. We’re in the people business and how we communicate with people is vital to us completing the Great Commission. But how do you do that exactly? How do you make sure that your message is getting out there? How do you make sure that you’re not just spitting into the wind?

3 Steps to Move First-Time Guests to Regular Attenders
If you’re in a church that wants to grow, then a frequent conversation around this office is how many guests came to your service or event. If you think about it, everyone who attends your church now was a first-time guest at some point.
But what is the process to get them there?

3 Ways Your Calendar Can Help You Reach Your Next Level in Ministry
There are a lot of tools we can use in ministry. There’s our church management system, our curriculum, our events. Each one helps us serve our communities and reach more for Christ every year. However, I think there is one tool that is invaluable for your ministry. One tool that if used correctly can extend your reach and find that elusive work-life balance we’re all looking for.
What is that tool?

5 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Church Management System
So, we landed on option 3. Find another system. But that’s far easier said than done. After weeks of meetings and weighing our options, we finally landed on a cloud based system that suited our needs far more than our previous system.
If you’re starting the same journey, here are 5 questions you should ask before you pick one that’s best for your church.

5 Must Haves for a NextGen Policy Manual
A little talked about, but vital document in your ministry is a policy and procedure manual. The manual answers a lot of questions for volunteers and clearly defines your thinking on multiple situations.
While your church may have its own policy manual that addresses your ministry specifically, many times these are incomplete when it comes to NextGen. In my experience, they’ll address room ratios and background checks, but not other problems such as fire drills, dress codes, meeting attendance and more.
This is why I suggest every NextGen ministry have its own policy and procedure manual.

1 Simple Trick to Maximize Next Year’s Calendar
Over the last several weeks, I’ve posted about planning for next year. You can read about calendar planning here and budget planning here.
If you’ve been doing this for a while, you may realize that just putting dates on a calendar doesn’t mean it’s going to happen.
To have a great Easter Outreach, you need to have a plan. This field tested and approved Egg Hunt To Do List will walk you through step by step to have your best event.