Sharing Ministry Wins Part 2: The Where
Knowing how you’re successful is vital to your ministry. But you don’t want to just collect all that data and sit on it. You’ll be like the foolish man in the Parable of the Talents. He kept his master’s money and buried it. The Master was furious and took it away. If you don’t talk about how your successful, people will draw their own conclusions. Unfortunately, they may assume you’re doing a horrible job. No one wants that.

5 Tips to Include Kids with Special Needs in Your Kidmin
A growing epidemic throughout our society are children with special needs. The latest statics show the number of kids with Autism or other disability are staggering. According to Maternal and Child Health Bureau's National Survey of Children's Health, 19% of children in the United States had special health care needs in 2019–2020.

5 Fun and Easy Kidmin Games You Can Play Over and Over
One of the best things about children’s ministry is we get to play games. They don’t have to be elaborate or gross like the Youth Group. Kidmin games are just fun and easy and hopefully have a point that works with the lesson. And having fun is a key ingredient to a successful children’s ministry.

3 Wednesday Night Ideas for Christmas
The Wednesday Night services in December are odd. Everyone is busy, overall attendance is low, and you have pressure to celebrate the season. No matter where you serve in your church, with a little creativity and planning, you can make these nights fun, meaningful and outward focused.

5 Easy Steps to Promote Your Summer Events this Easter
With Easter in just a few weeks, you’re probably deep into prep for the big weekend. Whether you’re doing an egg hunt, planning your worship set, or just getting your volunteers ready, there’s a lot of focus put on this weekend.
Not to pile on, but there’s one more thing to consider for Easter. What are you doing this summer?

3 Questions Every Guest Asks
It’s been said that a new guest makes their decision to return to your church in the first 15 minutes of their visit. That’s a small window, especially when you consider most of that 15 minutes happens before service begins.

Video Game Buying Guide 2022
Since this is coming out on Black Friday, I thought it would be appropriate to talk about one of my passions.
Video Games.
I’ve been playing since I was a little kid and still play regularly. Also working in NextGen, I’ve seen a lot of kids exposed to games and media way before they’re ready because of their parents' ignorance.
It doesn’t have to be this way though.

6 Steps to Make Next Year’s Ministry Calendar
It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
No, I’m not talking about Christmas or Thanksgiving (I’m a no Christmas until after Thanksgiving person).
I’m talking about planning for the next year.

Why You Should have a Baptism Class
Baptism in water is an essential part of a Christian’s faith, and one of my favorite things to do. Working in Kidmin though, there are a lot of questions about kids being baptized.

My First Small Group Leader Focus Group
We’ve been doing Orange for about 2 years and made the transition to small groups 5 years ago. Growing up in the traditional children’s church model of Sunday School and Large group, it has been an uphill battle understanding what it takes to lead a quality small group that focuses on relationship over content and teach others to do the same.
To have a great Easter Outreach, you need to have a plan. This field tested and approved Egg Hunt Service Schedule will give you the outline your need for your outreach.