How to Set Ministry Goals that Lead to Growth
Leadership, Administration, Service Planning David Reneau Leadership, Administration, Service Planning David Reneau

How to Set Ministry Goals that Lead to Growth

At the end of the year, one of my favorite things to do is to look back at the year that was and the year to come.  What were my wins and losses?  What worked? What didn’t?  What curveballs did I knocked out of the park and what ones slipped by?  It usually takes a few hours for me to go through it all, but my overall effectiveness as a leader and minister has increased every year since I started this practice over 10 years ago.

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How to Turn Service Fails to Success
Events, Leadership David Reneau Events, Leadership David Reneau

How to Turn Service Fails to Success

The big weekend is finally here.  You’ve been working for months getting all the people, supplies, and logistics together.  You’ve invited tons of people, prayed for God’s favor, crossed that t and dotted that i.  You’re ready for the big day. Or you think you are. Sometime during the event something goes wrong.  Something always does.

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The 3 Lowest Attended Sundays (and What To Do About Them)
Holidays, Leadership David Reneau Holidays, Leadership David Reneau

The 3 Lowest Attended Sundays (and What To Do About Them)

This post is coming out Thanksgiving weekend, and for most churches that means we’re heading into one of the lowest attended Sundays in the year. These days can be frustrating and disappointing. You put as much time and effort into making the day great and then it feels like no one but your most faithful show up. Even then, some of them didn’t come either.

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4 Principles to Get Guests to Come Back
Events, Marketing David Reneau Events, Marketing David Reneau

4 Principles to Get Guests to Come Back

You’ve had the big outreach event and now you have a huge stack of cards with contact information and you’re not sure what to do with it. Should you email them? Send a postcard? Call? Which way will be most effective? What’s going to give you the best return on your investment?

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7 Ways to Communicate Your Church Event to Your Congregation and Community (Part 2)
Marketing, Administration David Reneau Marketing, Administration David Reneau

7 Ways to Communicate Your Church Event to Your Congregation and Community (Part 2)

You’ve got big news. You’ve been working on this project for weeks and its finally time to make your big debut. You have all the supplies and resources. You’ve prayed and felt that God is with you. Now it’s time to announce to the church and your community what you’re doing and how they can get involved. But how do you do that?

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7 Ways to Communicate Your Church Event to Your Congregation and Community (Part 1)
Marketing, Administration David Reneau Marketing, Administration David Reneau

7 Ways to Communicate Your Church Event to Your Congregation and Community (Part 1)

One of the most valuable tools in a minister’s toolbox is their communication skills.  We’re in the people business and how we communicate with people is vital to us completing the Great Commission.  But how do you do that exactly?  How do you make sure that your message is getting out there?  How do you make sure that you’re not just spitting into the wind?

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3 Ways Your Calendar Can Help You Reach Your Next Level in Ministry
NextGen, Leadership, Administration David Reneau NextGen, Leadership, Administration David Reneau

3 Ways Your Calendar Can Help You Reach Your Next Level in Ministry

There are a lot of tools we can use in ministry. There’s our church management system, our curriculum, our events. Each one helps us serve our communities and reach more for Christ every year. However, I think there is one tool that is invaluable for your ministry. One tool that if used correctly can extend your reach and find that elusive work-life balance we’re all looking for.

What is that tool?

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3 Must Haves for Your Kidmin Area
Kidmin David Reneau Kidmin David Reneau

3 Must Haves for Your Kidmin Area

Picture this, you’re given free reign to create your perfect Kidmin space. Whatever theme for décor? You get to do it. However many classrooms? You can have them. Whatever kind of seating? Here you go.

Sounds like a dream, doesn’t it?

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Teaching Kids to Pray Effectively
Kidmin, Conference David Reneau Kidmin, Conference David Reneau

Teaching Kids to Pray Effectively

Would you say your prayers are effective?

You’re not alone if you feel inadequate. The disciples did too when they came to Jesus in Matthew 6 and asked him to teach them how to pray. They’d been praying their entire lives but saw that Jesus’ prayers were far more effective, and so they wanted a taste of that.

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