5 Discipleship Principles I Learned in the Classroom
Discipleship, Leadership David Reneau Discipleship, Leadership David Reneau

5 Discipleship Principles I Learned in the Classroom

I’ve been in-between churches since July. In January, I took an executive pastor role at a small church plant, Christ Chapel East. But that was only part time. Since my degree is in high school education, I decided to put it to use and began to substitute teach. One fateful January morning, I took a math job at a high school I didn’t normally sub. By the end of the day, I had a long-term sub job and by the next week I was responsible for the math education of 150 seniors and sophomores.

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What I Learned from my First Mega Sports Camp
VBS, Events, Kidmin David Reneau VBS, Events, Kidmin David Reneau

What I Learned from my First Mega Sports Camp

I have led vacation Bible school (VBS) almost every year of my ministry and had participated in VBS for as long as I can remember. When I first heard about MEGA Sports Camp (MSC), I was resistant, because I was very happy with the curriculum I was using. I had systems and procedures in place to put on a large VBS without having to reinvent the wheel every year.

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Must Have Leadership Building Blocks: A Framework Leadership Book Review
Leadership, Kidmin, NextGen, Book Review David Reneau Leadership, Kidmin, NextGen, Book Review David Reneau

Must Have Leadership Building Blocks: A Framework Leadership Book Review

When I first started working in children’s ministry as a part-time bi-vocational pastor, I was so excited to finally work with kids every week. I looked forward to the fun we would have and the lessons we would learn as we explored the Bible together. Alas, I learned quickly that this is not always the case.

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