Find Your Place

I don’t know about you, but I didn’t initially sign up for this gig. To be honest I fought it. I have always been good with kids and can organize things quickly, so it was natural for the Youth Pastor to ask me to step in to kid’s church and help.

You see, back in college I was interning at a local church. The children’s pastor had left, and the youth pastor was asked to step in. I really didn’t want to, but because I considered him a friend, I agreed to help for the summer. Before I knew it, I was running the thing and in a few short months, after leading a kid to Christ, I was hooked.

Now I can’t imagine serving anywhere else.

God has designed each one of us with gifts and talents. Just as Esther was put in a place for “such a time as this”, God has us in our place to do His work. Sure, I’m a pastor. That’s what I do everyday, but it wasn’t always this way. For a while, I worked at Sam’s club, and God used me there, too. (He taught me some stuff as well.)

God can use you too. Being a part of the local church means you’re serving where your personality, gifts, and passions unite. You’re exactly where God wants you to be. And it doesn’t stop at on Sunday morning. It’s at work and at home. God wants us all to be a part of His big story. We all have a special role to play.

The question is will you play it?

Don't Give Up


Don't Be a Lone Ranger