Don't Be a Lone Ranger

A few weeks ago, I started to build our Evangel Egg Hunt website.  I’m not a web developer by any means, but I know enough to get around.  As I was putting the finishing touches on the site, I realized there was a problem.  The menus didn’t work like they were supposed too!  It wasn’t a big deal, but it made the site look amateurish. I googled and asked around.  The first person I asked  wasn’t able to solve the problem, but pointed me in the right direction.  Energized, I spent 5 hours of my day off with my family trying to solve the problem, I was no further along than when I started.  I was stuck and had to ask for help.  In a matter of a few short hours the site was fixed.

My story is a common one.  Change the names and the project, and we can all find ourselves there.  I call it being a Lone Ranger. It’s insisting on doing it on your own.  Lone Rangers take every task head on.  They are confident and competent.  They have been well trained and have a proven track record.  They also have an ego.  They don’t like to ask for help, and when they are forced to they have a hundred excuses as to why they can do it by themselves.

Don’t be a Lone Ranger.

The funny thing is The Lone Ranger wasn’t even alone.  He had Tonto.  We all need someone too.  Nehemiah knew this. He wasn’t afraid to ask for help from others and especially God.  He humbled himself and asked boldly of others. Then he let them serve in their gifts and resources, and he did something no one else in 100 years had been able to do.

Together everyone accomplishes more.

The next time you have a problem you just can’t work through, the next time you’re overwhelmed, the next time you’re stuck don’t be afraid to ask for help.  I leave you with these words from the wisest man who ever lived.

Two are better off than one, because together they can work more effectively.  If one of them falls down, the other can help him up. But if someone is alone and falls, it’s just too bad, because there is no one to help him.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (TEV)

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