The 3 Lowest Attended Sundays (and What To Do About Them)
This post is coming out Thanksgiving weekend, and for most churches that means we’re heading into one of the lowest attended Sundays in the year. These days can be frustrating and disappointing. You put as much time and effort into making the day great and then it feels like no one but your most faithful show up. Even then, some of them didn’t come either.

5 Numbers You Should Track in Your Ministry and Why
I’ve heard business entrepreneurs say that you have to know your numbers. The same is true with your ministry. How many attended this week? Last week? How many volunteers? First time guests? Baptisms? Small Groups?
If you don’t track it, and by tracking, I mean write it down in a spreadsheet, you’re losing out on valuable information that can help you keep your ministry healthy and growing.
To have a great Easter Outreach, you need to have a plan. This field tested and approved Egg Hunt Service Schedule will give you the outline your need for your outreach.