David Reneau

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Don't Give Up

Let’s face it life can get tough. We endure things we never thought we would have to endure. We experience pain and disappointment, and we’re left questioning, “why?”

Just like you, I’ve been through those tough times. I’ll admit, I started to question everything. Even God. However, I kept coming back to that one inescapable truth. His grace is sufficient for me.

Whatever we’ve been through, Jesus knows what it’s like. While here on Earth he experienced loss, heartbreak, betrayal, and quite literally excruciating pain.

Jesus knows.

He also didn’t give up. He knew he had a mission to accomplish. He knew before he ever came to Earth what he’d have to endure and that didn’t discourage him.

Was he scared? Yes.

Did he have moments of doubt? Yes.

Did that stop him? No.

Because of what Jesus did for us, we cannot give up. As Paul told Timothy, “[Paul] has fought the good fight and finished the race…” We should do the same. Paul also told the Philippians, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything present your requests to God and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

In tough times, God’s peace has saved me. It’s given me assurance that God is sovereign. I can question and doubt and even be angry, but this fact remains, God is in control.

So don’t give up. God has a mission for you. Jesus told it to his disciples before he left and as believers it our mission as well. “Go out into all the world and make disciples baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the Holy Spirit.”

Go do that and God will take care of the rest, either in this world or the next.