How to Complete Big Projects

Big projects.  It seems that I live my professional life from one big project to the next.  Each new event or change is another big project.  I love it.

However many people don't.  They get overwhelmed by the daunting tasks.  They get so nervous about the monumental project that they never begin or they get so wrapped up in all the little details that they quit halfway through.  I've faced both of these extremes, but sometimes you just have to get things done.  You have to grit your teeth, buckle down and get dirty.

Here are some of the things I've learned that help me complete those big projects.

1. Set a deadline.  I don't know about you, but if I don't have a set time to complete a task, it may never get done.  We need to set a reasonable timeline to accomplish our goals.  Some projects can be done in a few minutes, others a few years.  Either way think about how long you will need to accomplish the goal and set a time limit.  You'll be surprised at what you can do.

2. Break it up.  Some jobs can't be done in a day.  In fact, many of the things worth doing can't be planned in a few hours of focused work.  So break the large task into many small tasks.  When planning for Vacation Bible School there are a million little details I have to keep track of, but once I break them into small projects and complete them one by one the humongous project becomes doable.

3. Get some help. God never made us to do things on our own. That's why He gave Adam, Eve to be his helper.  Find people who are passionate about a part of your big project and ask them to help.  It may take some training and more time than you would like, but it is well worth it in the long run.  I couldn't do what I do with my team, especially my wife.

4. Create a timeline. So we know when we have to be done, and we know what little tasks need to be complete.  We even have people helping us, but when should these things be done?  Create a timeline.  Give each one of your tasks a priority. There are some things that need to be done now and other things that can wait.  They all can't be top priority.  Once you get the timeline set up, stick to it.  This will make sure you complete the tasks that are important and not focusing on tasks that need to be done right now.

Did I miss anything?  What are some things you do to finish big projects? Leave a comment below.

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