The Pride of Investing in Others

I love to invest in others.  There's a certain joy in seeing someone grow because of the investment I've made in them.  Recently, I was angry because I couldn't invest in young leaders.  I thought I needed to start a ministry college or even a Master's Commission.

As I looked at our church situation, the budget, and my time commitments, I realized that this probably is not the right time.  I went to God and began to whine. I complained that the opportunity didn't exist. That the students won't come, and that I can't use this desire He placed in my heart.  Then, he bopped me upside my head.

I do have people, leaders, in my ministry right now that I am neglecting.  I've given them some ministry opportunities.  I've trusted them to handle certain elements of the service, but I never really challenged them.

God told me to look around and be faithful with what I have.

At the end of the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25, the Master tells his servant "Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things." Matthew 25:23

I was not being faithful with the little things, and God was not going to give me big things.  So I humbled myself, overcame my fears, and started to trust the people in my ministry.  I started to invest more in my leadership team and teenagers, and it's been great so far.

This week filled me with pride for those I have invested in.  First, one of my teenagers has a real gift for communicating to children.  He has been working with me for a year now, and the kids love him.  A couple of weeks ago, he was supposed to lead a prayer after a salvation message.  He set it up perfectly and then handed it off to me.  When I asked him what happened, he said he was scared and didn't know if he had permission.

This week was his next chance. I coached him before his presentation and told him I had confidence in him.  For his first altar call, he did great!  We had 8 children come to Christ after his presentation of the Gospel.  I was incredibly proud.

The next day, I had the privilege of taking two of my key leaders on a short, one day conference in a nearby town.  In the past, I would just go to something like this and then share the information with them, but I knew that this was not enough.

During the conference, they got really excited about their ministries.  They were full of ideas and pointing things out from a completely different perspective.  I never dreamed it would turn out this way.  Again, I was proud.

I'm still very early in this process, and I know many challenges lay ahead.  Nevertheless, I am encouraged by their first fruits.

So I challenge you, are you being faithful with what God has given you?  Are you hoarding ministry or are you training others to do the work?

How to Be a Better Leader Part 2


How to be Better Leader Part 1