How to Be a Better Leader Part 3

So far we’ve looked at 4 ways to become a better leader. These aren’t the end all but they will help us go a long way to becoming a level 5 leader. You can read more about them here and here.

Today we finish our series and look at the final two ways to become a better leader.

Find the right people.

Major Dick Winters of Band of Brothers fame once said, “If you are leading and no one is following, then you are only taking a walk.” When we lead others we have to build a team to help us lead.

Level 5 leaders in Good to Great by Jim Collins searched for a long time before they hired a new executive, but when they found a good person, they hired them, even if they didn't have a position.

Recently, one of my ministry leaders stepped down from her duties for maternity leave. She asked one of her volunteers to take her place. That volunteer took that ministry and ran away with it. She conveyed mission, reminded her volunteers why they do what they do, and worried about volunteer holes. She took responsibility. When my ministry leader returned, I told her, here is your first lead team recruit. We may not have those people in our organizations yet, but they will come, just watch and get them to work. They may just blow you away.

Lead with passion.

My Dad use to tell me to find what I love to do and figure out how to get paid to do it. In his own way, he was telling me to do was to find my passion and do that. Leaders who serve in their passions get really excited about their products. One of the Good to Great companies is Kimberly Clark. Their executives are really passionate about toilet paper. I know that just seems crazy, but to them it makes sense. We have to be passionate about what we’re doing. We can’t stop thinking about it. We can’t stop talking about it. Our excitement can’t be contained when we finally get to do it. In every job, there will be things that we hate, but if we love what we do and are really passionate about it, we’ll love it anyway, warts and all.

No one is the perfect leader, and we can all get better. John Maxwell, the guru on leadership, says that he is constantly learning and striving to be a better leader. We should do the same. If we can become better leaders that are humble, ask for help, take responsibility, are disciplined, build the right team, and lead with passion, Our ministries will be stronger, our influence will grow and more will come to know Christ. Isn't that what this is all about, anyway?

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