Living Out God's Plan for your Life

Calling is a funny thing. When we’re in youth group it seems to be all they talk about. When career is talked about with today’s generation, the topics quickly fall to passions, giftings, and some, calling.

Many spend years trying to find their calling. Others think it’s going to strike them like lightning. Most, however, find themselves just wandering through life jumping for one thing to the next.

For Christians, it’s a little different. We all want to follow God’s will, but His will can sometimes seem elusive. All of us would love the Damascus road experience of Paul, but very few of us actually experience something so life-altering. So for the rest of us, here are five easy habits for us to live out’s God’s plan for our lives.

  1. While I’ve never had an experience like Paul, I have felt the direct leading of the Holy Spirit. Unfortunately in all these encounters the full picture was never fully laid out. I have discovered that going against God’s will is like walking up to locked gate and shaking it. It’s futile. We can try to go around it, over it, under it, but to no avail. Sometimes, no matter how much we want something, God just says no. The apostle Paul tells of a similar experience in Acts 6:6-10. He wanted to preach in Asia, but God blocked him and ultimately showed him a vision of a man in Macedonia. If you feel like you’re having to force something to work out, there’s a good chance you’re not following God’s will. Spend some time in prayer and meditation. Search yourself and God and determine if it really is God’s will or you’re just getting antsy.
  2. If it is the right direction for God’s will, it’s as easy as walking through an open door. There are no hindrances or obstacles. Things simply fall into place. This is not to say that it won’t be hard or there won’t be naysayers, but now God is on your side and if God is for you, who can be against you?
  3. Once I got to where I knew God wanted me to be, I thought I would be happy, but something entirely different happened. I started to dream of where I would go next. I never really stopped to smell the roses or even thank God for where he brought me. Thankfully, I had some wise people in my life that straightened me out. Don’t let your future dreams steal your joy for where you are now. If you’re constantly looking for the next big thing, instead of focusing on what you’re doing you may be missing something big God is doing in your life.
  4. Sometimes, things may not work out the way you planned. It certainly didn’t for Joseph of the Bible. He was ready to be king over his own father and brothers, but that is not where he ended up… at first. We can get anxious and try to force change, but if we’re not careful we may end up way outside of God’s will. It’s important that we listen for God’s gentle nudging. It will most likely not be an audible voice, but if you are in tune with God through prayer and devotion, God’s direction will be clear.
  5. Be ready when He says “go.” Sometimes you can be completely content in a situation and have no desire for change. Nevertheless, God may through a monkey wrench in your plans and call you somewhere else. When that happens you should be ready. I’m not saying keep your resume updated and your bags packed. I am saying be willing to follow God’s call. Sometimes staying in one place when God has told you to go can be just as dangerous as going somewhere else. Don’t hold on to your situation so tightly that it slips away. Instead hold on to it with open hands and God could do something great in you and through you.

Living out God’s will for you life doesn’t have to be hard, but it won’t be easy either. However it is the most rewarding experience in life. It will guarantee those great words we look forward to when we get to Heaven. ”Well done my good and faithful servant.”

Seek First the Kingdom of God


A Simple Exercise to Start Setting Goals