David Reneau

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Expanding the Kingdom of Heaven

Our church is growing.

This past week I was talking to our children’s ministry leaders. We have to make adjustments to prepare and better serve our young ones. With new attendees, come new challenges and new opportunities for people to serve. The great part about being a part of a great team is that you get to be on the ground floor of helping someone take their next steps to serving in a loving and caring community of believers. The Team gets most excited when a person accepts Christ on Sunday morning, is baptized, attends Growth Track, joins a Lifegroup and finally joins the Team. It is our ultimate win.

Moving a new attendee through this process is not the job of the staff, although they do play a part. It’s is all of our jobs. We are all in this together. Over this past month, I have given you tools and shown you how Jesus recruited his disciples. You can read more about that here, here, and here.

If we recruit like Jesus did, imagine the effectiveness we could have. Imagine the impact we could have throughout the River Region. If we continue to grow and become better leaders and followers of Christ, imagine how Christ could use you. If you did things to bring glory to God instead of yourself, what do you think God could do through you?

Thank you for your service to the Church and the lost every week. Your help no matter how large or small expands the Kingdom of Heaven.

Thank you.