Why are we doing this?

So many times we get so wrapped up in doing the work of the ministry we lose focus on what really matters. 

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I don't know about you but my days are filled with all this noise about how to make things better. How to improve, how to make an impact greater for the kingdom. Sometimes, I get so wrapped up in improving I forget the reason why.


If we're not leading people to Jesus then what are we doing? Jesus told us before he ascended to heaven that we are to go out into all the world and make disciples baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Whatever our ministry's focus or vision or mission it all boils down to this one command.

It's not to have the largest group. The smartest, the most educated, the most connected kids. It's to make followers of Jesus.

I, for one am resolving today to keep this as the center of my focus.


He's the reason I worry, I work long hours, I sacrifice. To bring more people to Jesus. Beyond that what else matters?

Everybody Needs Somebody Sometime


A Visual Guide to Setting Goals