What to do When your Guy didn't Win the Election

I'm just going to admit it. I'm a conservative Republican.  You can imagine my dismay with Tuesday's election results.  I was so upset, I had a hard time getting to sleep that night. All I could was pray.  As I was praying, I was reminded that God is in control of everything.

The next morning, I read this tweet from Perry Noble, "Dear believers - the Most High rules over the kingdoms of the world and gives them to anyone he chooses. (Daniel 4:25)."

This verse is found right in the heart of the story where God was teaching the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, just who is responsible for the king's greatness.  You can read the full story here.

It is a reminder to us all that God has chosen who will lead us.  We may have elected President Obama, but the reality is that God has ordained him to the leader of the free world for four more years. If we claim to be Christians, then we submit to God's authority and the authority of those He places over us. I may not like it, but I will continue to respect the man and the office.

So what are we to do?  I say if we want a change to happen in our city, state, country we are to supposed to be the change.  Here are 4 ways we do just that.

1. We are the Church: God's answer to all the sin, death, and destruction in the world is the Church.  The Church is the one who is supposed to help the emaciated Ethiopian.  The Church is the one who is supposed to take care of the single mother struggling to make ends meet.  The Church is the one who is supposed to share Jesus love with everyone, even those we don't necessarily agree with.

2. Find common ground: One of the great things about this country is that everyone can express their opinion freely and with legal repercussions. However, it is becoming increasingly dangerous to hold an opinion that differs from that of our peers.  We risk being belittled, vilified, and outcast.  We have to work together to find common ground with those we disagree with.  It is rare to find someone who we disagree with completely. More than likely, we can find something in common.  Let's start there are build a loving, Christ-filled relationship.  There is more to life than just being right.

3. Pray that God will Lead our Leaders: Most of our elected officials claim to worship God, including our President.  This means that they pray at least sometime.  We need to pray for our leaders that God will give them wisdom, compassion, and courage to stand up for what is right and lead the world in the direction God wills it.

4. Live like we want our Leaders to Lead: The truth is we cannot legislate public opinion or morals.  As much as we would like to force everyone to agree with us, this is not only against the principles on which this country was founded, it is against the way Jesus modeled his approach to government.  We are the culture creators.  We are the ones who must bring about the change we want to see.  We can no longer sit and whine and complain about how things used to be.  They aren't and probably never will be again.  We have to accept reality and live the way Jesus called us to.  We want fiscal responsibility?  We need to live fiscally responsibly.  We want an answer to for abortion?  We need to live out our solutions to the problem.  We want marriage to be defined as between one man and one woman? We need to have the greatest marriages that can be set as a shining example.

Ultimately, Jesus gave Christians one commandment before he left us.  We are to go out into all the world and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19).  We want to see change?  We want to bring hope?  Let's go make disciples in our city, our state, our country, our world. Imagine what we can do together!

What do you think?  Did I miss something?  Comment below how you feel about this election and what we can do about it.

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