No Matter What Happens...Trust God!

Vacation Bible School is this week, so I am going to blog every night about the night's experiences.

We're in the home stretch now.  Tonight was the night that the whole week was building toward.  We gave the kids two opportunities to accept Christ.  While I don't know the numbers yet, I'm sure most of the kids have been impacted by what they have learned throughout this week.  

Children's ministry offers us an awesome opportunity to impact lives, but also keeps us young and provides many opportunities to laugh.  Here are two funny stories from tonight.

During Elementary Chadder's Theater, our wonderful station leader was saying the sinner prayer with the kids.  In the middle of the prayer, a little girl had to "toot."The entire room heard it and half the room smelled it.  After the prayer was finished the little girl kept looking around asking who did it.  No matter what happens...Trust God!

For the Finale, I needed to put some change in the offering bucket.  I didn't have any on me, so before we got started as the children were coming in, I reached into the bucket to pull out some change.  The instant I put my hand in a little girl came over with a shocked look on her face and asked what I was doing.  I tried to explain that it was for the finale and I will be putting it back, but to no avail.  Hopeful, later in life she realizes what I was doing, and doesn't become one of those offering bucket thieves.  

Do you have any funny stories from the week?  Share them in the comment section below.

No Matter Where You Are...TRUST GOD!


No Matter What People Do...TRUST GOD!