Travel the World

Here is the latest writing prompt from #trust30:  (I took the day off yesterday, so no post)

Not everyone wants to travel the world, but most people can identify at least one place in the world they’d like to visit before they die. Where is that place for you, and what will you do to make sure you get there?
The one place I would love to go is Moscow, Russia.   I don't know what it is, but I have always wanted to go there and especially see the Kremlin.  I have always been fascinated by Russian culture, it's history, famous authors, scientists, architecture.  But what most interests me are the people.  I can read every book, look at every picture, listen to every song, but never get a true feeling of the culture, unless I meet them and get to know them.

This brings me to how I will get there.  I will go on a missions trip to Russia.  Most people would like to travel there as a tourist, but I think you miss what is really going on.  On a missions trip, a trip where you serve the people, ministering to them where they are, we have the opportunity to not only change ourselves, but the world around us.

It may be years before I get there, and I may partner with some other ministry that is already doing work in the country, but I will go someday before I die.

Where would you like to go and how will you get there?

One Week to Live


Something Greater