Five Years in the Making

Today's #trust30 post asks what I would say to myself 5 years ago and what I would like to say to my future self 5 years from now.

To myself 5 years ago I would say it gets better.  I was burnt out and worn out from a long grueling year, one of the hardest of my life.  I would also tell myself to continue to focus on learning and relationships because you never know when the next season of your life begins.  It could all change with a phone call.  Lastly I would say go for it.  Don't hold back and take the opportunities in front of you.  You never know what God has in store.

To myself 5 years from now I would say to keep your priorities straight and in the right order.  There will be much more going on in my life in 5 years and a lot more opportunities.  Remember to spend time with everyone you love because you never know when they will be gone.  Also love your wife and do something nice for her.  She deserves it.

It's weird to talk to your future self.  I have so many questions that must remain unanswered until the appropriate time.  All I can hope is that I learn and grow as much as I did in the next 5 years as I have in the past 5 years.

The Scary Thing is


Dare to Move