The Best in the World

Are you the best in the world?  It seems like a lofty goal, but think about it.  Is it impossible? 

Before we answer if this is impossible, we first must ask this question:  "What is 'best in the world'?"  The world is the place you live in, the materials and resources you have access to, the services that are available.  For instance my best adviser for children's ministry may live in Louisiana or Georgia, but since I live in Florida it doesn't matter.  They are not available for regular face to face meetings.  So the best adviser for me lives here in my town.  He is the best in the world.  Another example Pat's Cheesesteak in downtown Philadelphia may have the best cheesesteak in the world, but they don't deliver to Clearwater, FL so I'm out of luck. 

The best in the world means the best  in your circumstance, your surroundings with your set of resources.  Are you doing the best or are you just settling for mediocre?  Is taking the "easy out" the best way of doing things?  If we want to be the best, then we must strive to be the best in our place, where God has put us.  We can whine and complain about people, volunteers, money, but is that the best we can give to those that look to us? To God? 

Jesus was the best in the world.  Everyone followed him, not just because he was the messiah.  Many at the time weren't even sure he was.  They followed him because he was the best teacher and healer in the land.  Aren't we to be like Christ?  We need to be the best in our world whether we're a teacher, computer programmer, salesman, or soldier.  We can be the best; are you ready to pay price?

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.  Romans 12:2

On the Tablet of Your Heart


Do you Remember?