Begining to Publicize

Many ask when do I need to start publicizing my VBS.  High Seas Expedition says to start publicizing 8 weeks prior to your VBS, but I start much earlier.  How early?  My VBS is in July and I introduced it my kids last Sunday.  Nothing major, just a little teaser in the form of the theme song.  I do this for two reasons.  (1) To get the kids excited about the biggest event I do all year, and (2) to start teaching the songs so that when VBS comes the kids can really worship instead of learning 10 new songs in a week.

In addition to this teaser, I list a graphic in our newsletter for the months coming and begin talking to station leaders.  This gets the ball rolling and starts to create buzz.  The key is to get not only the kids excited about VBS, but also the parents, teenagers, and other volunteers. 

The final step to beginning to publicize is to talk it up.  Word of mouth is your best advertiser.  Mention it in conversations, meetings, interviews, greetings.  Anywhere people are talking and meeting talk about your events.  This will get other people thinking and talking and help your VBS be as successful as possible.

The Focus


Building to your Weaknesses