Let's Begin

I have been thinking for a long time about blogging. All the books I have read on marketing have said I need to start a blog. Then that begs the question... what do I have to blog about? I began to think what is something that people would want to read, but also be a sounding board for ideas I have in my ministry. It hit me the other night what I could finally blog about. VBS! Vacation Bible School takes a lot of my time and effort and while the actual event won't be until July, the planning has already begun.

So here is my proposal for the blog. I will blog about the entire planning and preparation process of putting on a VBS from picking a program all the way through follow up of the kids who attend. Since this is my third VBS, I am still learning, but I have a pretty good idea of how to make the program successful, and I hope that some other new children's pastor can find this blog and use it as a resource for their own VBS.

I hope you enjoy and that you find the blog useful.

Picking a VBS