David Reneau

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On the Tablet of Your Heart

I learned in Bible school Proverbs 3:3: Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.  When I first memorized the verse, I thought I had taken God's word and written it on the tablet of my heart, but God is showing me something more. 

I'm one of those chapter a day guys.  You know read a chapter of the Bible and my devotions are done for the day.  There's nothing wrong with this way of study except there is no depth.  Sure, I have read the Bible cover to cover, but have I let the words sink in longer than 15 minutes?  Ask yourself, of all the times you have read the Bible have you actually tried to write it on the tablet of your heart?

I remember as a kid watching Heidi with Shirley Temple (my sister was a big fan).  In it Heidi tries to read from the Bible and begins to struggle.  Then the big burly man begins to quote the entire chapter!

I did that once.  Do I still remember the chapter? No. 

God is teaching me to dwell in the word.  Keep reading it over and over again.  Teach it. Live it.  Make it a part of the decision process.   

So what have I been reading?  The Sermon on the Mount.  This Jesus' largest recorded teaching in the Bible.  It covers everything.  I studied it for two months solid, reading and rereading, digging, praying, meditating.  I left it for about a month, but God keeps calling me back.  Saying, "wait there's more; keep looking."  So keep looking. 

"I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me." (Revelation 3:20)

I think now I am writing it on the tablet of my heart. 

Here is your challenge:  Where is God talking to you?  Are you listening?  Find a place and a time you can focus on Him and his Word.  Dwell in the word; write it on the tablet of your heart.