David Reneau

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The Focus

Why do you want to do a VBS?  Is it because it is what the children's ministry has always done?  or you really like having the VBS? or it makes you feel important? or maybe it is just one more thing the pastor has asked you to do?  There are many reasons to put on a VBS, but the most important reason must be to minister and plant the seeds in the hearts of children in your church and community.

Studies show that if a child does not have a Biblical worldview by the age of 8 then the odds of them living a life for Christ gets dismally smaller every year after that.  It is a burden placed upon us as each kid walks through our doors.  It is not our job specifically to disciple or even see the children saved, but God has seen fit to give us the opportunity to plant the seed, water it, or even harvest it.  It is all in His hands. 

If your focus is off, I implore you to spend some time in prayer and ask yourself this one question and answer truthfully.  Why am I doing this?  If it is not to serve God and His kingdom, you may want to reevaluate some things and get your heart in the right place.

I know from my own experience that nothing is as detrimental to confidence as trying to work for God and not relying on him.  Sure you might be talented enough to pull it off, but not forever.  Only the wonderful working of the Holy Spirit moving through you can lives be changed and even then it is not you doing it, but God working through you.

I heard a minister pray one time that if we get in the way move around us like a river moves around a stone.  I pray that prayer regularly and have to constantly remind myself to put God first in everything, especially the things he has blessed me with.